What Does Invalid Mime Type Mean

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What does invalid mime type meanWhat Does Invalid Mime Type Mean

What Does Invalid Mime Type Mean

What Does Invalid Mime Type Mean

Hi Everyone, To give you all an update, Joomla are changing how it validates & filters files. This has caused various issues over the last 3 versions which they are trying to address. We have a few fixes lined up ready for the next release of Ark Media, but Joomla has now decided to include PHP extensions that may not be installed on your site's server environment.

Change Mime Type Windows 10

So if you still have upload issues after you update to Joomla 3.7.2 & Ark Media's latest version (currently not yet released as of ) then you will need to ask your hosting provider to install the PHP extension, as Joomla is now dependent on this extension. For people desparate for the Ark Media part of the fix please add you site's FTP details to your ticket and we will directly apply it for you. Regards, Paul P.S. Drag & Drop uploads will still work as this uses an non-Joomla validation system. Hi guys, Just some extra info to test with. Download I've been notified by some of our users that they are unable to upload Excel or Word documents. What I expect to be the issue is that the extensions in question were not.xls or.doc but instead.xlsx and.docx After adding these to line to the custom allow application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet, xlsx, documents application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, docx, documents Those types of files could once again be uploaded.