Delphi Version Numbers

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  1. Delphi Xe5 Version Numbers
  2. Delphi Latest Version
  3. Delphi Constant

Introduction The Windows API provides a method to extract version information from an executable file. The API is rather archane and some knowledge of how version information is stored in an executable file is helpful. This article starts with a brief overview of how version information is laid out in a file. It then goes on to develop some code that tests whether version information is present and extracts it if so. We then wrap the code up in a class before finally looking at some of the limitations of the approach we have taken. Version Information Overview Version information is stored in an executable file's resources.

Delphi Xe5 Version Numbers

The binary format of this data is complex and is not described here. Conceptually though, version information contains a record that provides a machine-readable binary description of a file ( fixed file information) and one or more string tables that provide human-readable information. String tables can be localised – so there can be a string table for each supported language or code page. Because of this, version information also contains a table of supported languages / code pages (the translation table) that effectively provides an index into the string tables.

Delphi Latest Version

Delphi Version Numbers

Delphi Constant

Is anyone using Embarcadero Delphi these days? Update Cancel. A d by After some time, they aborted it. There was a time when they had the CLX, a kind of VCL ported to be used in Unix version of Delphi. After some time they aborted it. Yes and I expect that number to increase steadily going forward.